Thursday, March 29, 2012

30 1/2 weeks down, 9 1/2 to goooo......

So today it hit me.....we have sooo much to do yet before baby #2 gets here.  Alaina's soon to be room is still a mess and still existing as our office/store room! Yikes, each day I get less and and less ambition to do anything about cleaning that room out.  I know it needs to be done but at the same time I am not ready to move Alaina to a toddler bed either.  She still is my baby not a big girl! :(  Although each day she reminds me how big she really is getting.  Last night at dinner she took her dinner plate and pushed it away and said "all done".  She has been doing that for a while now but last night when she said it, she sounded like a little adult! It was so clear and she knew what she was trying to tell us. She climbed into her highchair (with Corry watching right by her, oh course) but she is becoming so independent!  

My belly is sure getting in the way of Alaina a lot though.  She loves to crawl around on me and with my belly in the way now its becoming a challange for her.  Also reading before bed is harder too, because she can't sit on my lap in our rocker the same as we used to do.  I wonder what she will thing when the baby is born and my belly goes away.  I just hope she adjusts to the whole transition o

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Start of documenting our family life!

So today I decided to join the blogger world.....hmmm we will see how this goes!  I want to beable to use it as a way to journal about our family and the milestones we cross.   I want to say this will be a way for us to remember all the sweet times we have with our children so I hope I can stick with it and blog a few days a week.  I am not good with hand writting down things in a journal so I turn to the "techie" world for help to keep up on document our life.  I named our blog Crazy but Simple Life.  It is just that.  We have a crazy work life but its also simple in that it's the little things that entertain us.  We do not go out much and it is not uncommon to find us on a Saturday night watching movies or just hanging out at home.  Simple in our eyes! So, I hope our family and friends can enjoy the little moments we might blog about that we often forget to share with you all so you can feel like you are right there with us!  I hope you all enjoy!